Type | Values |
Number of Reads | 187088582 |
Valid Barcodes | 162097865 |
Valid UMIs | 175241433 |
Number of Reads:reads总数;
Valid Barcodes:包含有效Barcode的reads数 ;
Valid UMIs:包含有效UMIs的reads数。
Type | Values |
Reads Mapped to Genome | 89.80% |
Reads Mapped Confidently to Genome | 72.68% |
Reads Mapped Confidently to Intergenic Regions | 5.79% |
Reads Mapped Confidently to Intronic Regions | 6.20% |
Reads Mapped Confidently to Exonic Regions | 60.68% |
Reads Mapped Confidently to Transcriptome | 54.81% |
Reads Mapped to Genomes:比对到参考基因组上的Reads在总Reads中占的比例;
Reads Mapped Confidently to Genome:比对到参考基因组并得到转录本GTF信息支持的Reads在总Reads中占的比例;
Reads Mapped Confidently to Intergenic Regions:比对到基因间区域的Reads在总Reads中占的比例;
Reads Mapped Confidently to Intronic Regions:比对到内含子区域的Reads在总Reads中占的比例;
Reads Mapped Confidently to Exonic Regions:比对到外显子区域的Reads在总Reads中占的比例;
Reads Mapped Confidently to Transcriptome:比对到已知参考转录本的Reads在总Reads中占的比例。
Type | Values |
Estimated Number of Cells | 3376 |
Median UMI Counts per Cell | 5504.5 |
Median Genes per Cell | 2069.5 |
Total Genes Detected | 26262 |
Sequencing Saturation | 76.38% |
Fraction Reads in Cells | 87.72% |
Estimated Number of Cells:检测到的细胞数;
Median UMI Counts per Cell:每个cell的UMI中位数;
Median Genes per Cell:每个cell中基因的中位数;
Total Genes Detected:基因总数;
Sequencing Saturation:测序饱和度;
Fraction Reads in Cells:过滤后细胞reads数占总reads数比例。